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Packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, mono-unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibers, almonds are recognized as a superfood with a variety of nutritional benefits.

We are transforming an existing monoculture almond orchard to Regenerative Agroforestry with a method called Syntropic Farming. We are adding diversity of trees and bushes while improving the soil so it can retain more water to be less dependent on irrigation. It's a long journey but step by step we are making a change. Already by not disturbing the soil for example we are also storing carbon in the ground. 


Almonds are delicious as a snack, as almond butter or toasted almonds. Just a handfull a day will keep your doctor away;) 


From reducing the wrinkles in the skin to its provisions for a healthy heart, almonds are popular around the world.

Regenerative Almonds

€ 4,00Price
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